Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas
O Holy Night is my all-time favorite Christmas song – even the Kenny G version can rouse a tear or two. Here’s my favorite verse:
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
It’s the perfect portrayal of my life before and after knowing Christ. I was desperately lost until in the depth of my pain, God called to me. And for once I turned toward him rather than away. All of the joy and the peace I have come to know since are a result of his deep love. I pray the gift of this holiday would heal you in the same way. Oh, and may you enjoy all of the whipped cream and hot chocolate you can stand. Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Not too shabby
And speaking of reprieves, Sam got to come home super early from work yesterday after a huge water pipe burst. Even though some downtown buildings were flooded and many were without water for most of the day, it was sitll a close call as to whether he'd be able to leave. Before they got the official word, Sam wrote me this email:
"Rumors are circulating that the Huntington Building may close, I am not getting too excited though. The wheels of capitalism must keep rolling, despite the workers’ needs to excrete and consume coffee. The means of production must go on, sanitation and health be damned."
The for-profit world is a harsh one.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's the most wonderful time of the year
First of all, Colorado is not likely to see rain in the winter (a combination of it being too dry and too cold), but if such an event were to occur, you certainly would not find green grass hidden beneath any snow. Brown, crunchy vegetative splotches perhaps. But not green grass.

Last night Sam and I went to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular at a downtown Cleveland theater. Fun show. As we were driving home we discovered this Christmas gem on the radio. May it...uh...brighten your holidays as it did ours.
Friday, December 12, 2008
One down
As we wait to see what tomorrow will hold, may I recommend this hilarious blog and this other hilarious blog? Let me know if you don't come close to wetting yourself. Seriously funny.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bring on the cure
So she's going to lose her hair and possibly some fingernails. This is the cure. So there might be a lot of pain ahead. This is the cure. So she might get a mean case of the hiccups during some treatments. Well, that one doesn't sound so bad, but still, This is the cure.
I'm sure there will be very hard days ahead, but I'm thankful my mom continues to find strength in herself, in her family, and in God. And so today begins the next chapter of her journey.