Left Colorado Springs: Thursday, July 31, 5:00 AM
Arrived in Chicago and stayed with my sister: Friday, August 1, 3:00 PM
Arrived in Cleveland: Saturday, August 2 at 7:30 PM
Traveled: 1,500 miles
Spent: $1,120 on U-Haul rentals, gas, and one hotel stay
Ate: Thousands of calories worth of road-trip food
Maximum speed: 65 mph (downhill)
Hauled: 220 cubic feet of goods
Broke down: Never
Used air conditioning: Almost never
Sweated: Gallons
Like I said, very successful.
Here's a picture of the rig...

I'll keep you posted as we begin to settle in.
Hi Jessica. I thought about you during your travel days. I'm so happy that all went well and you arrived safely. I'll be anxious to read your updates. We just spent an awesomely wonderful weekend in the mountain cabin that we call ours but really belongs to someone else. Take care. Monica
Hi Monica! Thanks for thinking of us. We're really enjoying my family - burgers at my aunt's house tonight. Glad to hear you had a great time at the cabin. Miss you!
holy cow! impressive!!
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